CutieTransGirl (20)

Kategorien: Transsexuell

Anbieter: Big7

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Alter20 Jahre
Oberweite- -
Penisgröße20 cm
BeschreibungHello. Click my photo, so you can see it clearly and big. :) My name is Angel, from the philippines. I am the breadwinner of the family so all privates/tips ive earning here is a big help. Im just a simple person trying to live life at its fullest. A simple person who loves and enjoys the simple things in life. I do what millions of people do everyday. Im thoughtful and loving, i am a sweet person and i love surprises. I am the sort of person that when i find the one i love i am true to them even if sometimes there is a dout. I am very loving person if i am shown love in return, i like friends close to me, i dont like lies, i want to know what i am told is the truth. I am exceptionally romantic in different ways. I like the idea of watching the sunset with my special someone (i hope i can find the special someone hehe) I am very transparent, anyone will surely be able to trace the sadness in my eyes or the joys that fills my heart. I am very sympathetic to others in need. I am very appreciative and i always thank to people who have shown me great compassion in a way that they will never forget. I love giving and sharing, making other people happy gives me so much glee. I treasure friendship. I love to share laughters with my friends and to everyone else dear to me. I love flowers baby talks and sweet nothings ( things which find some people irritating haha) I can easily be pleased. A piece of candy some good news or a short love note can make my day. I totally hate liers and i am very frank that is why as much as possible , i always aim to tell the truth even if it is sometimes hard. I believe that i have a good heart but dont ever dare abuse me, I can be bitchy when provoked.

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